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Early in the Morning

You don’t have to be autistic to wander around this website and anyone who chooses to meander through the articles can do just that. I hope that you will find yourself connecting with some of the content. I consider that my label of ‘autist’ is only useful to me if, after recognising barriers, I actively seek out or develop ways of managing those barriers. That is the premise from which I write.
The titles of each of the five areas below give an indication of what they contain and there is a little more information at the top of each of the pages as you enter them.

The views, information or opinions expressed on are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of others who have experiences in any of the life areas written about. The primary purpose of the content is to encourage thought exploration and does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services. All content (written and photographical) is copyrighted to the owner, developer and writer of the site.

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